Record Bar Pro for macOS

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Eric David Smith
Software Engineer / Musician / Entrepreneur
Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith

Record Bar Pro for macOS

Get it in the macOS App Store - Download Record Bar Pro for macOS


Record Bar Pro is a powerful macOS application designed to capture voice notes and recordings professionally with the click of a button. Just install the app and press record. Whether you're a professional musician, a podcaster, or someone who likes to capture ideas in audio, Record Bar delivers high-quality 48k WAV audio in an intuitive user experience.

Record Bar Features

Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Record Bar Pro for macOS
Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Record Bar Pro for macOS
Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Record Bar Pro for macOS
Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Record Bar Pro for macOS
Record Bar Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Record Bar Pro for macOS

Privacy First

High-Quality 48k Audio

Quick Audio Recording

Organize with Ease

Playback Functionality

Editing Capabilities

Deletion Confirmation

Additional Settings

How to Install

Visit the Apple Store and search for "Record Bar Pro" or click here to download now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I start a new recording?

Click the status bar icon for Record Bar Pro. This will open a menu. The first item in the menu is 'Record'.

How do I stop a recording?

Click the status bar icon for Record Bar Pro. This will open a menu. While recording is in progress, the first item in the menu is 'Stop'. Press it to end your recording.

How do I play a recording?

First, navigate to the 'My Recordings' screen. Then just select any track and click on it.

How do I stop playback?

Click the file that is playing again to stop it.

How do I delete a recording?

Click on the X icon on any track to delete it.

How do I rename a recording?

Double-click on any recording in the 'My Recording' screen to give your file a new name. This will also rename the file.

How do I export a recording?

While on the 'My Recording' screen, simply click the 'View .wav files' button in the bottom left window. This will bring you to your saved recordings.

What audio quality can I expect?

Record Bar Pro uses 48kHz audio and .wav files for high-quality recordings.

Feedback Questions

So What Are You Waiting For?

I made this app for myself to capture quick audio notes. It ended up being so useful, I decided to launch it - I hope you find it useful too. Being a solo dev, I'm always looking for ways to improve my digital products, so please send me your feedback. Looking forward to your thoughts!


Get it in the macOS App Store - Download Record Bar Pro for macOS

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Eric David Smith
Software Engineer / Musician / Entrepreneur
Macos Apps

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